Restaurants Canada Serves Up Recognition

On Monday, May 27, Members of the British Columbia foodservice community – where so much of our incredible foodservice and hospitality industry is grown, fueled and nourished – joined Restaurants Canada’s Board of Directors and Leadership Team for a special networking and recognition reception.
Celebrating resilience, adaptability and unity have never been more important, along with acknowledging those who have significantly advanced our industry. There is no denying the importance of recognizing and honouring the esteemed leaders who have played a critical role in our industry’s success. This year, we were thrilled to honour three exceptional leaders whose contributions have elevated the national foodservice and hospitality industry. Their vision, dedication and passion have profoundly impacted their teams and organizations. As the voice of foodservice for 80 years, Restaurants Canada is honoured to continue highlighting our Awards of Excellence recipients with in-person recognition of three awardees in the province where their culinary careers first flourished.
It is with great pride and gratitude we recognize three of the 2024 Restaurants Canada Awards of Excellence recipients:
Restaurants Canada Leadership Award of Excellence, sponsored by PepsiCo: Susan Senecal, President and CEO of A&W Restaurants.
Restaurants Canada Culinary Award of Excellence, sponsored by Air Canada: Chef Meeru Dhalwala, Lila
Restaurants Canada Legacy Award of Excellence, sponsored by Diversey: Warren Erhart, Retired President of White Spot Hospitality.
The Vancouver Reception also provided the opportunity for Restaurants Canada and The Chefs’ Table Society of BC to honour Chef John Bishop of Bishop’s restaurant with Lifetime Achievement Recognition. Bishop, the ‘Godfather of Pacific Cuisine’ has been redefining Vancouver’s taste for cuisine through 35 years of outstanding service and dedication to food and hospitality. The indelible mark he has made on Canadian foodservice, will endure through the celebration of future chefs: The John Bishop Scholarship Fund, recognizing culinary and hospitality excellence.
At $114 billion, our industry continues to propel the Canadian economy forward, and the incredible chefs and culinarians who have refined the craft and delighted our senses are a huge part of the story of Canadian hospitality.
** Feature image courtesy of Brad Kasselman @kasselmancreative
Media Contact:
Annette Goerner
Restaurants Canada