Restaurants Canada Secures $500,000 in Financial Support for You – Our Members

Restaurants Canada and the Government of New Brunswick announced today at a Press Conference in Fredericton that they have formed a partnership to provide financial and program support to the foodservice industry as we continue to recover from the effects of the global pandemic.
Through this partnership, WorkingNB will provide a time-limited COVID-19 recovery support of up to $500,000 to the province’s foodservice industry to help offset costs associated with onboarding and training new hires. Eligible applicants can receive $500 per new hire, up to a maximum of five new hires, and will be available to employers until the end of March 2024. Restaurants Canada administers the program, and interested members can apply here.
Nonmembers can join Restaurants Canada and receive this and our many other benefits, by following this link.
Restaurants Canada was also able to get another commitment from government to continue its advocacy for increased flexibility in immigration programs which are a shared responsibility between the federal and provincial governments. As you know, these programs serve as an important stream for new workers in our industry.
In addition, over the coming months, WorkingNB will work closely with Restaurants Canada to organize recruitment events and host virtual job connectors and job fairs designed for our members in New Brunswick.
This project has been a long time coming, and we thank the province for recognizing the importance of our industry and the challenges we currently face. Restaurants Canada would also like to thank Ministers Holder and Dunne for their support.

From left to right: Richard Alexander Vice President RC, Minister Holder, Mike Babineau RC member and owner Rustico Restaurant, Minister Allain