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Lift the Strain on Small Business

Tell Government to reduce the EI Premium rate to 1.58%.

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Tell your Member of Parliament that lowering EI premiums matters to you and businesses in your community.

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I wanted to bring to your attention an important policy issue that could immediately help small businesses in my community.

In recent years, Canada’s small businesses have demonstrated remarkable resilience, weathering the storms of economic uncertainty and unprecedented challenges.

The livelihoods of countless employees, especially youth and newcomers, depend on the success of our businesses – in particular, restaurants, construction, and retail. When they struggle, the ripple effects are felt far beyond their doors—impacting suppliers, local economies, and the vibrant communities they help sustain.

Given the bankruptcies and affordability challenges we are seeing today, a reduction in EI premiums would offer relief for small businesses and all taxpayers in my community. And so, I ask you to work with your colleagues to reduce the EI Premium rate to 1.58%, instead of the 1.66% it currently sits at.

Reducing EI premiums will not only provide disposable income relief for employers and employees but will offer immediate support that will ensure small businesses can continue to operate, boosting consumer confidence and contributing to Canada’s economy.


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Spread the word on social using #LifttheStrain

Download the full report

RC EI Premiums Report 2024 EN